Overview, Markets and Information
$ 13,918,508
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 255
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
Country | Estonia |
Has Trading Incentive | No |
Centralized | No |
KickEX Markets
Coin | Pair | Volume | Volume (BTC) | Volume (USD) | Volume % |
KickEX is the exchange with the lowest trading fees on the market. It's the fastest-growing exchange with amazing iOS and Android apps available in stores. Buy crypto within a minute, trade without risk! Our Support Team will answer all your questions instantly, in 7 different languages. Simple and user-friendly interface and high-quality KickEX mobile apps make our customers’ trading more comfortable, without bothering themselves with a long search for information.
Aunque KickEX es una plataforma robusta y popular para el comercio de criptomonedas, hay muchos otros intercambios disponibles que podrían adaptarse mejor a tus necesidades específicas. Te animamos a consultar nuestra guía sobre los mejores intercambios de criptomonedas para explorar una variedad de opciones y encontrar el que sea adecuado para ti.