Overview, Markets and Information
$ 521,841,802
24h Trading Volume
Ƀ 9,701
24h Trading Volume (BTC)
Country | Seychelles |
Has Trading Incentive | No |
Centralized | Yes |
Poloniex Markets
Coin | Pair | Volume | Volume (BTC) | Volume (USD) | Volume % |
Poloniex was founded in January 2014 as a global cryptocurrency exchange. It provides spot trading, futures trading, staking, and various services to users in nearly 100 countries and regions with various languages available.
In 2022, Poloniex launched a brand new trading system to provide global retail and professional users with higher speed, as well as better stability and usability.
Aunque Poloniex es una plataforma robusta y popular para el comercio de criptomonedas, hay muchos otros intercambios disponibles que podrían adaptarse mejor a tus necesidades específicas. Te animamos a consultar nuestra guía sobre los mejores intercambios de criptomonedas para explorar una variedad de opciones y encontrar el que sea adecuado para ti.