Trump Says “Real Verdict” Will Be On Election Day, Elon Musk Shows Support

Elon Musk showed support for the former US President following recent trial results, while Trump announced that the real verdict is on November 5

Trump Says "Real Verdict" Will Be On Election Day, Elon Musk Shows Support

Trump Says "Real Verdict" Will Be On Election Day, Elon Musk Shows Support | Adobe Stock

Key Points

Donald Trump became the first former American President to be convicted of felony crimes yesterday, May 30.

A New York jury found him guilty of all 34 charges in a scheme regarding his alleged influence on the 2016 election.

As APNews reported, Trump said after the trial that this was a “rigged, disgraceful trial”. Trump also said that the real verdict will be on November 5 by the people.

He continued and said that the people know what happened.

The 2024 United States elections are scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Elon Musk shows support for Trump

Following the official verdict in Trump’s case, Elon Musk shared a post via X about the results. A couple of hours ago, Musk said that great damage was done to the public’s faith in the American legal system.

He continued and said that if a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter, motivated by politics, rather than justice, then this means that anyone is at risk of a similar fate.

Recent reports from Bloomberg noted that Musk and Trump have been discussing crypto-related matters.

The publication also noted that they have been addressing “ways for the tech entrepreneur to take on a broad advisory role if Trump wins a second term in November, though the exact format of that arrangement is still under discussion, a person familiar said.”

However, Musk denied talking crypto with the former US President. On the other hand, he said that he is in favor of digital assets.

Trump has also been showing his support for crypto recently, even vowing to help Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht.

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